This is my blog, details of my life and my thoughts are here, if you can take what I write, go ahead, if you're not happy with my blog, no one is forcing you to read :)
So yea... Lets see... I missed PE, I dropped off at Bukit Gombak instead of Choa Chu Kang so I walked to Bukit Batok Driving Center and took a bus to school. Waited for almost an hour before "class" started and we started assignment 5, which my classmate Jet and I took like, less than half an hour to do? After which we went down and ate Broasters!
We went back to class and basically wasted the day away. Then went home. I finally sold off my Ray flash and my dry cabinet, left with the OM1! Some guy quoted a price $50 bucks lower than my selling price, nut case, still say "I just want to try out film" if you want to, cheapest option, go down to a photo shop (those that develop films and buy a freaking disposable camera!
So yea... Now all my stuff are on my book shelf as so.
Taken with my Motorola Droid since all my gear on the shelf
So yea... And I found my 1st year poly exam results. Check it out!
GPA = > 0.347
To think that in ITE, my current GPA is 3.114, then again, both are different fields, one field I can do pretty well, the other I completely stink at. Anyway... Tomorrow is pretty short day, after school collecting some neck thing for my mother before coming home. Then I probably change my shirt and give a call to TK Foto to check if they have stock of the dry cabinet I want. If they have, I'm going down to get it!
Kinda sad to see all my hard earned money go, but its for a good investment, save money on cleaning my lenses which I guess I need to send almost all of them for because some seem to have small fungus growing inside, so probably before I enlist into the army, I'd send them for cleaning. Anyway, that's all for tonight, I'm off to bed. Good night world!
So yea... Finally have 1000 visitors! 1010 to be exact at the moment of typing. So I slept early last night and woke up at 5:30am this morning, brushed my teeth and left. I took a shot of Redhill's junction since it was the first time in a long time that I see the place very quiet, almost the like the calm before the storm.
Long exposure noise is present because I didn't turn on the noise reduction, 5 sec exposure
So I went to the bus stop to wait for Jimmo and his church friend. While sitting there, I closed my eyes to enjoy the peace until 2 guys, one on the bench 2 benches away from me and 1 across the road cough without covering their mouth as loud as they could interrupting the peace.
So Jimmo and his friend came and drove to Raffles where I met some of the guys before walking over to the Merlion Park and meeting another guy there and Krist came later just as the sun was rising.
Krist told me can pack up and go off since weather wasn't good which indeed it wasn't, but as I once read somewhere, I believe from Joe McNally, don't pack up until you've really left, or something like that. Basically meaning it ain't over till its over.
So yea, I got a couple of shots, nothing amazing but I quite like it though it could have been better without the Marina Bay Sands resort and the cranes though I could probably put them to good use provided there was more space to move about and more time to prepare, ah well. Now I know the life of landscape photographers.
So yea... I'm pretty sleepy now so I shall end with the images I took today. Good night world!
By the way, all the images were shot with Olympus E-1, with either Zuiko Digital 7-14 or 14-54
So yea... Nothing much has happened except me having to go get the letter again yesterday, and I've successfully sold off my PEN EE2 and EOS 1n. Now waiting for Ray Flash to be sold off and waiting for a buyer for my OM1.
Gonna change my dry cabinet probably next year? So yea... I spent most of my day today redoing my assignments 1 and 2 and I'm done! Tomorrow shooting sunrise so I'm going to sleep soon. Just to share a few images of my assignment and one picture of my project!
Also, that day when I was shooting the launch of Lenovo service center in ITE and the signing of memorandum of understanding, my E-3 decided to break down one step more, by having my screen split open, its like a sign telling me to get the E-5, but I may be reading too much into it, so instead of buying the E-5, I'm not since I'm going to NS and if I do get the E-5, its more likely gonna be eating dust.
So I went down after school to send my E-3 for repairs which was the fastest to date! About 10-20 mins! And during that time, I was processing the images for school. Then I chat with Joey (one of the technicians) on what happened to my FL-50R. And she said it might take another 2 weeks for the parts to come in and be repaired so yea... Wait... That's all for today, shall probably update tomorrow. And one exciting thing (to me anyway, I'm about to reach 1000 views! Yay? Ah well, good night world!
E-3 back or front... whatever, the part that requires changing!
Assignment 1 exterior
Assignment 1 exterior without roof
Assignment 1 interior
Assignment 2 exterior
Assignment 2 exterior again
Assignment 2 interior
Final year project, that's Vilgax's drone in case you're wondering
So nothing much happened except rehearsals in school which I have to take photos of, which honestly speaking, what for? Just some test shots but no... I'm expected to rehearse with them...
So yea... Today I went down to the office to get the company to sign the form and pass me the letter to give to the dumb potato.
Sorry this is a short entry but yea, my muscles are still aching and I expect to recover next week because of the work I've been doing and tomorrow as well.
Going down to Paya Lebar was weird because I haven't been there in quite some time.
Anyway, I'm feeling kinda nostalgic and at the same time, I had to reorganize my Lightroom catalog which I did as well as adding keywords. So I went through some of my old photos and yes, I have improved! But not to the best of what I can. So I shall keep working at it. Here are some photos to show you guys just to entertain or waste your time. Good night world!
Shot at the Botanic Gardens
Simply amazing and talented, Kat Parsons from the USA! I never heard of her until that day!
One reason why my wife will never be someone who has played rugby, they play just as rough as guys! Just that they're probably more maneuverable and not as tough as guys but not always the case!
Beautiful sunset from top floor of a HDB in Queenstown area
Sunrise in Hong Kong, I have no words to describe except that though its somewhat normal, its in a way breath taking (to me anyway,not sure about you)
A group of carolers from a Church in Hong Kong, I just happened to snap this girl as she walked passed cause she stood out from the crowd, I know its blur and I'm disappointed as well
A shop owner posing for a picture, Hong Kongers are apparently pretty superstitious hence the selling of beads which I believed is used in religions? Not really sure on this though
So yea... Yesterday was Queensway Secondary School 10th Anniversary Alumni dinner! And it was much more lively than the one 2 years ago. I spent most of my time today editing or resting cause I'm having muscle ache and headache. And yesterday didn't do much either. The transaction for my PEN EE2 didn't go through cause the guy who wanted to buy didn't do his research properly and then changed places 3 times before canceling unless I'm willing to lower to $50 bucks, and I was about to reach already, what an arse!
So anyway, I'm sure some of you might remember this model below. For those who don't, never mind, just skip this and probably the next paragraph after the photo.
I found out her name today, her name is Francesca. Hahahah, but I don't know her personally so yea... Nothing much to say and or do.
Tomorrow taking my gear to school to shoot rehearsals, just did a simple DIY thing for my Metz flash bracket because everytime I put it on my camera, it slips,now its so much better though it looks ugly but oh well... Function over beauty!
Just to share 2 images that are done so far
Queensway Alumni Logo! Some of the current teachers, old teachers and ex students I guess(for the student part) including my sec 1 maths teacher! Old dude in the front row!
So yea! I'm about done with the photos as well as Rizal's photos, which by the way Rizal, I'm sorry for always being so slow because it ain't an easy job.
Anyway, that's pretty much all, And just today, I realize I gotta rearrange my Lightroom catalog and use more functions because my memory is getting worse. I gotta call the boss tomorrow to ask about my letter, text him no reply. Good luck to my old friend Calvin cause he's going to field camp tomorrow for 10 days. Don't look down on him cause he's short, people in OCS hor! Officer Cadet School! Eventually I'll have to address him as Officer Lee! Ahahahah, that's all for tonight. Good night world!
So nothing much to talk about actually... Except I just wanna say that the other day, I believe was yesterday, Rizal sent a message to me that was meant for Fizah, he claims it's not his fault but whatever, it hell is funny XD
So yea... Today school was a drag and I spent a lot of time on the phone today. Trying to finalize my attachment as well as calling Olympus about my flashes. Finally sold my Canon EOS 1n, meeting a buyer to sell my PEN EE2 tomorrow, hopefully I can sell my OM1 and Ray Flash as well.
I went down to Olympus today to collect my flash which sadly only the FL-36R is ready and the FL-50R needs to stay longer to repair the wide zoom for the flash head. So they changed the part and this is what that was changed.
Look at the damage! And ignore the Copyright to me because I was just testing it in Lightroom
So yea... Tomorrow night will be Queensway's 10th Anniversary Alumni Dinner! Sadly, I'll be the only one in my year to go, and one of the few from my generation aka those graduated a few years before and after me won't be there. So yea, shooting again and most likely when I'm in NS as well.
So before I go, this is the picture of the alumni dinner 2 years ago! Wonder who will be there this year... Good night world!
Nothing much happened recently. Let me start by showing you 3 versions of my Diamondhead!
Ben 10 Diamondhead
Ben 10,000 Diamondhead
Ben 10 Alien Force and Ultimate Alien Diamondhead
So which one do you like? Do leave a comment, I personally quite like Ben 10,000 though the original looks pretty good too.
So anyway... I've switched my Mac keyboard back to my old Windows keyboard for the sake of my left wrist because its been in pain. What else... I bought Ramlee burger yesterday. Worse burger ever! I've never eaten anything that is really tasteless! And the bread keeps crumbling with every bite, it's more like soft biscuit rather!
So yea... I'm trying to sell off my film cameras and my Ray flash to raise money for a new dry cabinet and since I hardly shoot film, I'd only keep my Canon EOS66 for sentimental value and my Olympus OM2n. Will most likely be getting a winder for my OM2n. The reason why I'm keeping my EOS66 is because its my first SLR, and one of my oldest camera and it taught me quite a bit. Though I guess I won't be using it anymore. OH! And I'm keeping my Mamiya M645J, no idea why I'm keeping it, but I do enjoy shooting with waist level finder though the lack of meter is irritating.
The reason why I'm selling my Olympus OM1, EOS 1n and PEN EE2 is because PEN EE2, the film is super hard to finish! OM1 may be the first SLR from Olympus, but its troublesome to use and my 1n is just well... Its easy for me to use, big and automated but not practical since I mainly use Olympus. So I'll be changing my dry cabinet and hopefully selling my Ray flash to have some cash as well as not have space taken in my house. And might be investing in an E-5 in a couple of years.
Lets see... What else... I'm almost done with the work for my 3D module, and this is more or less the completed (only need to change materials) project.
Its meant to be an abandon factory with alien tech inside and Diamondhead is there to stop whoever is using it to create chaos
So yea... That's pretty much it, waiting for Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, Victorious, Wizards Of Waverly Place and The Suite Life On Deck episodes to come out, Mark Wallace's DVD to be out.
Oh! My 2 books, The Hotshoe Diaries and The Moment It Clicks came and I must say... The images are just wow... The way Joe McNally controls light is just wow...
So 1 more month to my dear sis Jia Zhen's b'day celebration, I gotta order her present. 2 months to attachment. 5 months to graduation. And this coming Saturday is Queensway's 10th Anniversary Alumni Dinner! I'm not sure if I'm going yet but kinda sad that a lot of people ain't going.
So that's pretty much all for now as much as I can remember, I'm going to sleep now so good night world!
So lets see... This morning I woke up, charged my phone a little before going down to Raffles Place to buy the cake which sadly wasn't opened. So I took the train home and I was thinking... How do I do Diamondhead's body? So I came home and I started working on him until now which is finally done! Hence the title, I'm more or less 1/3 done for my FYP for 3D! It isn't very pretty as you'll see later but hey, without good enough skills, practice and knowledge, that was the best I can do which isn't so bad but still pretty ugly. But somehow, worthy of a B if I say so myself though I'm afraid I'll get a C.
And today, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien! The Forge Of Creation. Let me start by saying OMG! THE BABY ALIEN X IS SO DAMN CUTE! And apparently Celestialsapians have DNA as well, who knew? So we had 10 year old Ben 10 join in the fun. Sadly, Argregor defeated everyone and young Ben got Kevin to absorb the ultimatrix causing him to become evil again. I can't wait for next week's episode even though today's ending was kind of a let down seeing that Kevin defeated agregor by absorbing the powers he absorbed. Which just hit me as I'm typing this, what happened to the 5 aliens? And how is Ben going to save them?
That's pretty much my day. OH! I went to Tiong Bahru with my sister and her boyfriend to get a cake for my mum and got myself a new pair of year phones in the event my creative one dies off.
Let me end this post with a birthday wish to my mother and pictures of my Diamondhead. Happy birthday mother! Good night world!
Yesterday was just the head and the omnitrix, now with the chest and center The big back spikes The smaller spikes Sharp right arm added Normal left arm added Completed side front Completed 2 front Complete side front Completed back Completed side back
So yea... Today I went to school and I started on my 3D project and did my flash design for my assignment 3 which is to display high score after logging in and if the person is not in the database, register that person.
So yea... After that I came home and played Call Of Duty: Black Ops and I completed the game! and I wanna say that today, I saw a number on my blog that is supposedly suppose to mean good luck in Chinese.
888 on my blog!
Ok... that was lame but ah well... And if you're wondering what's up with the on screen keyboard, its cause I'm using a Mac Keyboard and it doesn't have print screen on it. So I spent most of the day lazing cause I felt very sleepy and I'm still feeling sleepy. Am going to sleep soon cause tomorrow I'm going to buy cake for my buddy and mother! Yum! Chocolate cake!
What else... OH! I met Royston today to pass him his photo album and hard disk and I did my 3D project. Will be starting on flash tomorrow! Hopefully I can do it.
And for my project, its actually in the title, I'm doing Diamondhead and so far, my progress has been like this.
Diamondhead's head and Omnitrix insignia
It kinda looks like crap and at the same time good considering my skills are not top notch and my teacher isn't a good one. So yea, that's it! Stay tune for updates on the 3D version of Diamondhead, its not gonna be 100% accurate due to the lack of skills on my part as well as the fact that I'm combining 3 versions of Diamondhead, mainly Diamondhead's design from Ben 10, the clothes from Ben 10,000 and the Omnitrix insignia from Ben 10 Ultimate Alien and Alien Force!
Tomorrow is another episode, or rather, today is another episode of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien! So exciting! Good night world!
So yea... Some things have happened but since I didn't blog on the day it happened for various reasons, I don't remember all that happen... My adobe lightroom 3 book by Scott Kelby came yesterday! And it was supposed to come on the 24th. I've submitted my assignment 1 for my 3D animation module.
I've gotten the requirements for assignment 2 and project for 3D as well as my assignment 3 for my flash. The flash seems pretty straightforward but is confusing because of the amount of code that has to be entered this time round. Submission is this coming Tuesday so I gotta spend tomorrow, the weekends and Monday working on it. Assignment 2 is just add lights and materials to my assignment 1 which shouldn't be so difficult though everyone seems to be making a big deal about it.
For my project, I initially wanted to do the Ultimatrix, but then changed my mind and decided to do Diamondhead before deciding that both are too difficult. But now, I have no idea what to do, so I've decided to go back on Diamondhead and do it the long and troublesome way, which is ok since the teacher didn't specify what way it has to be done. Although one problem is I have no idea how Petropia looks like, oh well, I can always do Diamondhead on earth. Wish me luck!
One thing about the teacher, when I asked if I can do the Ultimatrix, he said I can and its easy so my marks won't be high. When I showed him Diamondhead who is obviously harder to visualize and do in 3D, he said can be done. And then he tells the class I'm doing a person when Diamondhead is obviously an alien... Ah well...
Nothing much left to say I guess, so wish me luck and I will update my process of my Diamondhead. Good night world!
This post marks the 200th post on my blog! And I don't have much to say since I actually stayed at home the entire day watching videos and just relaxing.
So my arm chair... Its kinda stiff and I need to oil the moving parts... I hate touching anything with oil on it... So anyway,I wanna share with you guys this on going petition located below!
Its a petition to send to Olympus to keep the four thirds system alive! It would be nice if you, a potential or current four thirds user to fill up the petition to keep it going! That's pretty much it for today. Might be going to the library tomorrow to borrow books. Good night world!
Its been almost a week and I haven't updated much so to add on to my last entry actually... I met Rizal last Saturday to do something and then we went to Raffles food court to eat and for the first time, I ate Pepper Lunch and it was GOOD! So yea... Then this week, I finished my IAD shoot the duck game on Monday and I was brain dead to actually complete the whole thing though it was more or less complete though not 100% correct. And I spent my time playing PSP and reading my book on Monday and Tuesday.
On Wednesday, we only had morning class cause apparently, there was a career fair to go to which no one went since we all went home. Seriously, why waste important time going to this when we haven't even graduate? Some may find it useful, but many ITE students don't. I don't since I want to do my diploma first.
Anyway... Moving on! Then came Thursday and in the morning, I actually decided to open my IAD and change my code which worked and it is now 100% right according to specifications! Just that mine looked quite plain but nevertheless, my presentation was better than my classmates though pales in comparison to a properly prepared and presented presentation found in Polys and Universities. And I was the first to present so I didn't know what to do as well since its last minute.
Also, I overheard what Mr Rajesh and Mr Richard were talking about that morning, asking each other if they knew anyone who could take pictures. And I volunteered! So now I get to skip Mr Philip (the dumbass bias son of a gun 3D animations teacher) morning class! To go shoot some signing memorandum thing between Lenovo and ITE West I think.
So that evening. I met Jimmo at Redhill and we went down to Little India Tekka Mall for a "Live! Joe McNally" webcam session. I know it sounds weird but yea... That's what it was, and Joe is actually very down to earth from what I can tell, very very nice guy. Honestly, if I have the $$$$$$ to go for his seminar or better still... His 1 day or even better... 3 day workshop, I would. But it is freaking expensive! But that's to be expected actually... After the event, Jimmo and I went into Little India to shoot a little. We shot for a while then left, not because of anything racist mind you! But because it was VERY CROWDED! Seeing that its Deepavali eve.
Not sure if everyone who reads this is a Singaporean or Malaysian or knows what Deepavali is but in case you don't, have a look at Wikipedia Festival Of Light. So here are some shots taken by my trusty Olympus E-1 and Zuiko Digital 50mm f2, which by the way, I gotta seriously learn to use in low light conditions.
Here are the lights at Little India, its severely underexposed because I spot metered the lights and wasn't paying attention and not experience using E-1 at night but I'll keep on practicing! And don't let the dark areas fool you, there's a lot of people in those dark areas! Busy busy street! Not sure what its really called, but its basically hand painting I guess, it was blur and I over sharpened it, kinda sad actually to have lost this image... Oh well, practice makes perfect! Probably the best image that night since nicely exposed and sharp! Some guy at a place that sells CD
After we got out of Little India, Jimmo and I went to Starbucks to have a drink before heading for home. It was crowded when going home! And we missed the train and had to wait for 6 minutes. Seriously SMRT? 6 minutes for a train at a busy station on a public holiday eve? They seriously need to get down and dirty with everyday commuters.
So today... I didn't do much, I slept quite a lot and ate quite a lot actually. I finally completed my TDA assignment 1 and I cannot render it! So gotta ask my teacher this coming Wednesday. But I did a print screen and this is how it looks like!
Yup! There it is, a simple home with not much furniture. And today I had Ramlee burger and Ya Kun toast! Bought at Tiong Bahru!
Don't let the beef on the exterior fool you, its actually chicken OMG! It looks so oily... Kinda sinful to eat it now for those who know that I've changed my diet, hahaha! And here's an image of a clear day sunset since we had haze like a week or so back? Shot with Olympus E-1 and Zuiko Digital 14-54mm f2.8-3.5
Wow! Yet another long entry due to long week. So before I go, here's a promotional video, if you can call it promotional, of Joe McNally's tour to Asia! Enjoy!
Before I hit the hay so I can wake up to watch Ben 10 Ultimate Alien (Yes I still watch it, its the greatest cartoon to date!), I've been listening to this song quite a lot, I Told You So by Carrie Underwood, seriously, one of the very very very few singers that I actually respect (though I'm nobody special but you get the point?). Just something that I feel very strongly about in reference to the music, not the lyrics cause the lyrics just doesn't apply to me at the moment, hahahha. Enjoy and good night world!
One of the hardest thing to learn in photography is the eye for details; aesthetics. 10, 20, 30 years down, that is what a photographer should always be working on - Clifford Issac Nathan
A freelance photographer. I've graduated from ITE with Higher Nitec cert in IT and planning to go on to Diploma In IT after completing my national service