Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back in Singapore! Day 3 Pangkor and KL,Day 4 KL!

Hey guys!!

Truly there is no place like home. Especially Singapore is the best place to live as far as I'm concerned. Second best place to live is Hong Kong. Anyway, on to business.

Third day in Pangkok, we woke up for breakfast and packed our bags before leaving Pangkor for mainland Lumut,previous entry is Ipoh but by right is Lumut, at least I think is Lumut. So we drove from Lumut down to Kellie's castle, google it. Kinda eerie and Zana felt cold. It was about to rain so God knows but it did look very eerie. After that we drove to some water fall, it was nice and slippery, too bad it rained so I didn't take off my shoes, end up I almost slipped a couple of times but oh well. I was slow so didn't really fall off. After that we ate somewhere before supposedly driving to Malacca but since the drivers were tired, we ended up driving down to KL. We got to KL at night and had dinner after checking in to some hotel known as Kowloon Hotel. It was eerie as well. Everyone had dinner except Zana and Madinah as they weren't feeling well.

Forth day, Rizal and I woke up pretty early due to the noise from the early morning traffic. We watched movies before going down to KFC to buy breakfast. After breakfast, we all checked out and drove down to KLCC to shop until 2 before driving home. So yea, now I'm back in Singapore, nothing much has happened.... Yet.... Will update again tomorrow, pictures soon. Got work tomorrow and very tired now so... Good night world!!!!

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