Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dead Beat...

Hey guys!!!

So yea... Since I last left you, I went to church and shot pictures and came home feeling dead tired... That's pretty much it.... I just transferred all my files into the new hard disk, will be installing everything tomorrow.

So yea... Busy week ahead, editing photos, shooting event and going back to school for class. Calling Canon about split focusing screen.

So yea... In a nut shell, I have to :
1. Edit sports day and baptism photo
2. Call Canon
3. Go for C maths revision class
4. Shoot paid event
5. Study for exam
6. Exam
7. Shoot Queensway Speech day and receive Partners Award
8. Edit Speech day photos
9. Shoot Make A Wish Foundation Event again

And what I wanna get this year for now is:
1. DIY Mac
2. Lee Filters Set
3. Ultron 40mm lens for Canon

And what I have to do for the year is:
1. Save up and go for bike and hopefully car lessons
2. Pay back mother for Macbook

And things that I have to do is:
1. Call to check on Metz flash
2. Send FL-50R for repairs
3. Send Olympus E-1 for regluing of grip

That's all that I can think of so far... Anyway... I'm tired so good night everyone!!!

P.S I hope Clubsnap server is repaired soon...

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