Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sungei Buloh!

Hey guys!

Just a quick update as I'm pretty tired right now. Went to Sungei Buloh with Justina today and because of her Mac cravings, we went to Woodlands though Justina just came from Woodlands when we met at Kranji.

We went in and went shooting with her hoping to see the otters and me hoping to see crocs and snakes. I got half my wish though. We saw this snake, I have yet to identify it, but so far, it seems to be a part of the bronze back snake family.

So once I get more info, I shall post it here. We completed our round and went home. Its not the bird season so not much birds. I shot like... 40 odd? Left with 25 on my way home and only left with a handful at post processing. So yea... It was Justina's first time using a telephoto lens (AKA zoom lens in case you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about) so.... Congrats Justina!

That's pretty much all for today. Good night everyone!

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