Monday, June 25, 2012

Been awhile

Hey guys!

So yea... Its been a while and well... Its close to the end of June. 1 year 1 month and 12 days more to ORD! Seems like only yesterday that I enlisted, but living through it has been tiring.

Recently my 22" Samsung monitor got too dim to use for photo editing so I've purchased a new 24" from Dell!

The box

Opening it, so excited!

Out of the box

Comparison to my old 22"

All set up

After awhile, I realize that there was a strange orange banding that I have never seen before.

So I requested for a change since I didn't see it when using VGA cable (after talking to tech support) and I've got a new one! Its not as noticeable, but its somewhat still there. I suspect is from the way I'm using the monitor. I use it somewhat parallel to how I sit when using, it'd be lower and facing up, but it doesn't bother me now anyway as long as my colours are good.

I like the new monitor, its bright and tall! And very easy to use to calibrate my colours, first time I got everything right when calibrating. I also got my PVC pipes and built my 77" x 77" light panel! Its a little flimsy but it should work fine in a studio enviroment. So I've decided to get the original frame from Photoflex in the future if I use it more often.

Other than that... Nothing much really happened actually... So I shall stop here for now, until I have something else to say, but that'll probably be in my next post already. Till then, have a great day everyone!

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