Sunday, September 23, 2012

Exactly a month since my last entry

Hey guys,

So well, its been a month since my last update, mainly because I've been busy and I still am, but at the moment, I'm bored today so since I have time, I shall update my blog for a change.

New Stuff

Alright, first off, I got my Sekonic L758DR light meter. It's great, still learning to use it though, especially finding middle grey to do spot meter from a distance. Many functions which my old Sekonic L308s couldn't. Like metering in aperture priority mode rather than in shutter priority mode. Also, it does exposure compensation. It was a little dirty as well so I cleaned it up and its fine now.

Unfortunately, I got a scratch on it not long after I got it. However, I manage to polish it to a point its a hairline scratch. So I bought a couple of screen protectors (meant for the iPhone 4s) and I cut it to fit it for my Sekonic L758DR, Nikon SB800 and SB900. I don't have the expertise to cut it properly nor cut curved corners, so I cut it as best I can and now, some part of the screen is exposed, but I highly doubt I should be that unlucky to get scratches within that exposed areas.

My phone died on me, not exactly died, but the screen had some issues and since my contract has expired, I could renew my contract. And I got myself the HTC One X. Which I didn't know was the flagship from HTC at the time but well, its been working great so far. I also had a hard time getting a case and subsequently got a Ballistic SG case. And its doing good protecting my phone.

Sorry for the crappy photo, but yea, it was charging as well.

Shoot At Botanic Gardens

Alright, just the other day, I also got down to practicing 1 light flash. Didn't shoot many different one as I didn't think of a single portrait shot, but it was good practicing something different for a change.

I went down with my sister's friend who is also my assistant for the shoot and my friend from ITE, Rizal, was my model. He suggested shooting a composition shot which I thought to myself "Hey! Never did it before, so why not?" which I did. It wasn't fantastic but it isn't bad either. We did this just for laughs.

After that, we went ahead and did a one light flash with mainly an umbrella, then some were did with a softbox, and some with reflectors. Though I've only put 4 here, there are more, but I didn't since many of them are quite similar.

I quite liked the results though. I also saw a lizard in the street lamp so I thought that it was quite interesting. I shot handheld with my Nikon D3 and Nikkor 70-200mm VRII. Nothing special really.

Recently, the Nikon D600 has been released. Supposedly its a similar body to the Nikon D7000 and we have a D7000 in the office. It feels pretty good, if what is said is true, I think I'll be happy with the D600, even though David Hobby was sad with lack of PC sync which personally, I've ever only used once since now is slave or radio. And I've heard quite a bit of complains about the 1/200 sync speed. A small bummer personally but no biggie since it can go down to ISO 50 and well, I seldom shoot in bright open areas, the 1/200 sync speed ain't gonna be a deal breaker since for its use, its likely to be stuck in a studio environment and if its in the field, probably f11 with no flash since its gonna be landscape.

Full HD video if I remember correctly, 24mp, fits where the D800 couldn't in my books. I'd prefer the D800 though, with the D600's resolution but well, that's life. Nikon Professional Service, was researching that recently. Unfortunately, the D600 isn't a pro camera, and I only have the D3 so in a way, I don't qualify. THEN! I saw another accepted camera, the Nikon F5 which I do have, so I could actually join NPS without issues. Of course, I guess as technology improves and hard drives get a hell lot bigger or SSDs get a hell lot bigger and cheaper, cameras that replace the D4 and D800 will become part of my life when the D3 and my future D600 no longer function.

I'd probably write a post on my thoughts of the D600 and D800 and comparison with D4 in another post soon so that hopefully Nikon would read what people say, even if people who don't matter, yet or ever, will improve from comments.

So well, its been more than a year since I enlisted into NS and there's a funny website, not funny actually, just a funny URL which is which is used to countdown to our ORD dates. So here's mine, less than a year, slightly over a hundred working days left. I can't wait!

That's all for now. Shall update when I have more, till then. Have a good day everyone!

PS: I just added a link to another website that I did to showcase my photos with technical details there. So yea, just to show case some works which I may not show here or on my Facebook for those who know me.

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