Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dead inside out

Hey guys!

So yea... I'm dead inside out more or less cause nothing to do and I barely made through the day... Really... So yea, this morning I met my dear secondary school friend Aryani and she is as crazy as usual so no surprise there and we had breakfast at Macdonalds at Tea Garden located near Queensway Secondary School. That sure brings back memories... Been a long time since I last went there.

Anyways! After that I came home and basically slacked throughout most of the day watching shows, taking a few shots, doing a little bit more on the story. So yea, that's about all I did today so I guess shall end here today. Tomorrow got PE and Networking and most likely programming which I'm more or less sure to die of boredom! So here's two pictures to share today. Good night world!

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