I'm in school now blogging cause last night I was too tired and now in computing maths dying of boredom.
So yesterday in school had networking theory and life skills. Needless to say... They were boring as hell, lol. So after school I went home and helped my sister to choose courses for her appeal in poly and chose 2 courses in Nanyang Poly and 1 in Temasek Poly. I hope she gets into TP.
So yea, yesterday was my final day at work and I have officially resigned! I'm not jobless as I still have my growing freelance photography work and my job as partner with Vivian, XD. My pay came in as well.
Now in computing maths and the teacher is writing and he doesn't even seem to care that Yusuf is sleeping behind me and that Rizal is beside me playing my PSP and me reading despite we're right in front of him. What the hell right? I know Rizal agrees with me, because he's reading as I'm typing right now. So I've finally completed reading Portrait Photography: Secrets Of Posing & Lighting by Mark Cleghorn. Aspiring portrait photographers, this is a book I recommend and I have a order of it in my Amazon cart now. I'm still looking for another few books and all one shot ship over. Reason why I ship is not cause it's cheaper, it's not very much cheaper, just that I can't find the books in Singapore.
So yea, now that I'm "jobless", I can finally get writing my stuff as well as updating my book list.
Oh ya, Apple released something new today. It seems like an over stuff iPod touch.
I was telling Yusuf that the name sounds gay because of the word "pad". Can't they have something nicer like "Mega itouch!" or wait! I GOT IT! Since officially, the small one, the original is called iPod touch, why not call this iTouch? At least it doesn't sound gay. No offence to the ladies, I swear I will buy those stuff with my wife, just sounds gay to walk into the Apple store, or in Singapore, Epi Center and say "Hi, I would like to purchase the 64GB iPad". Just sounds sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong.
Either way, I might be getting it for "work" in my photography business as well as entertainment at home. Since turning on the Macbook, Mac Mini or my DIY will take too long, why not use this for entertainment on the go in my house? Since the only thing in my house that is portable is the Macbook. And it's heavy if I were using it on my body and fell asleep. And well, the battery can last longer since I use less of it in that case as well, lol. Rizal just commented that my blog entry now is too long so I shall end it here. Besides.... I don't have anything more to say except, I shall be thinking of the iPad and doing my stuff later. Just to add.... I'm seriously considering E-mailing Apple and asking them if they could rename the iPad as iTouch instead. But I guess they don't give a crap about what I think so I guess we're stuck with that name.
See you guys tonight!
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