Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Day Of Attachment Tomorrow!

Hey guys!

Sorry for the lack of updates as nothing much has happened. Basically I've been trying to bid for a Quantum Turbo battery pack which will really help with my flash usage. Just yesterday was the Sec 1 CCA recruitment drive, and for the first time, my Metz ran out of power, lucky I was smart enough to take my FL-36R, which reminds me, I have to call Olympus about my FL-50R.

So hopefully I'll get my battery pack. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day, morning go back to Queensway Secondary to give the photos, which I shot 250 plus and only have like 86, but those 86 were pretty good in my opinion, no idea to be happy or sad. Then go and have breakfast at Mac at Tiong Bahru Plaza before running down to the office for first day of attachment! After which ,I have to take a cab to Vivo City for a talk by Joe McNally. AWESOME!

That's pretty much it. Anyway... I was bored so I did a 3D version of ultimate Echo Echo, only his torso though, since doing the full thing will be time consuming though I took like half an hour to an hour to do his torso. Its to show Rizal that it can be done. I shall end it with the image of Ultimate Echo Echo. Good night world!

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