Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poly results, enlistment, rehearsals

Hey guys!

So yea... Nothing much happened, or rather a lot happened :/ Lets see... Sunday was the last day of fund raising and it was a good day. Though a little bit of problem due to lack of power in the batteries as well as bad weather, but that didn't destroy our spirits! Ganbatte Japan!

After the event, I came home to edit the photos before sleeping. On Monday, I woke up and edited the last picture which was the boys brigade. Bunch of jokers seriously, a lot of photoshop work was put into some especially boys brigade cause they were all not well disciplined. I took 5 images and 1 guy, in all 5 images, looked in 5 different directions! So yea... The images are below, groups in order

National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) 3 shots with the first being the image for colour calibration

Girl Guides, quite well disciplined though a little slow to get everyone together, shot 2 shots

National Cadet Corps (NCC) Girls, about the same as the Girl Guides, they surprised me by having a more girly attitude than the Girl Guides. Also shot 2 shots

National Cadet Corps (NCC) Boys, a little slow but all in all ok. Some jokes wore the wrong hat, in the photo, you can see one obvious joker smiling with the rest all looking pretty serious. Shot 2 frames?

Saint John Ambulance Brigade (SJAB), at least, that's the name I think. Not too bad as well, this shot only of those wearing the uniforms, don't get why their sir say they, being in uniform, cannot sit down for the photo -.-"

Saint John Ambulance Brigade (SJAB), everyone inside now, all the juniors without their uniforms, looks kinda weird to me :/

Boys Brigade, the only group to make me shout at them, sadly... :/

The lighting setup was as so, of course there were more than 3 subjects

So yea... After I settled the images, I went back to Queensway for rehearsals, which was cut short due to the rain. I came home to found out I wasn't accepted into SP nor NP. I've gone through the denial and acceptance phase. My sister's boyfriend said might be because I haven't serve NS. So while I'm pissed, I have to serve NS giving me some to reapply again. But just in case, I'm currently still planning a back up plans to take up private diplomas.

Today, I went to work, then went down to Funan with my family to get my sister a new ASUS laptop, speaking of ASUS, here are some of mine!

Nothing special, so I helped to settle a bit of the setup before being where I am now. Since she was pretty busy earlier on. That's all for today! I'm getting sleepy! Good night world!

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