Monday, April 4, 2011

Really ticked off...

Hey guys...

So yea... I'm pretty much ticked off because my poly application results are still not out. Everyone has gotten theirs but me. And worse still... I cannot appeal to Ngee Ann Poly due to the fact that appeal date is over, there isn't any space and my results are not out yet! If I want to appeal, I can try, but I'm advised to appeal in December for next year's April intake.

Having chat with my secondary school classmate, I'm worried I'll enter NS the same time he did since both he and I are PES C9L3. He entered in November and if I enter at the same time, how do I appeal for transfer? Seriously ticked off... But as what my friend said, nothing much I can do. So until I actually start schooling, I shall keep on trying to appeal to Ngee Ann poly's diploma in IT. Hope I get in now to make it all easier!

So what else... Didn't do much the past few days... Been fretting over the poly results mainly. Oh ya! Don't watch Sucker Punch, waste of my time and money. Seriously... It was a little confusing and it had a crappy ending...

What else... Oh ya! I was so bored the other day I shot the SB900 for nothing.



Also... My package came today!

My boxes!

My Switchfoot DVDs and collectors photobook with CD and DVD!

My new books!

So yea, I went through all my Switchfoot stuff but the "The Best Yet" DVD. The books I have not gone through yet :D

Joe Mcnally updated his blog about his tour on the flashbus located here. I found it funny. This part here
it’s very tempting to grab his computer while he’s not looking and tweet, you know, “TTL rules!” or “Manual Sucks!” or something pithy like that to his network.
sure made me laugh! And
My morning salutations to Jeff have ranged from “Good morning, sunshine” to “Fuck off.”
reminds me of my brother and I. I sure do miss my brother. That's all for today, got work tomorrow. Good night world!

PS. I thank God for the important people in my life. My mother, my mentor/friend/bro Clifford, my "brother" Hong Yao, my buddy Malathi, my friends Rizal, Hilwah, Justina, my "sister" Jia Zhen,my good friend Vivian. These are the people who have been constant in my life the past few years. I pray that they'll be happy. Amen!

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