Monday, April 25, 2011

Quick update

Hey guys!

So yea... Nothing much happened... Last Thursday was Queensway Secondary School's sports day 2011. Shot it mainly with E-3 and 14-54. Good Friday didn't do much. Spent most of my Saturday trying to get Rizal's Macbook working with sound but failed until I installed Windows 7 which today I tried and I got Call Of Duty Black Ops to work! XD

So what else... Today my packages came!

Quite straight forward. I watched finished the DVD by the way, not long after I got it. Surprised DHL actually sent it today since they said they'll bring it over on Monday :/ But yea... I'm actually wondering what happened to my other package containing my other books and shirts. Don't think it'll coon so gotta wait... Again... What else... Oh! I sold my VA-1. Sad... I really miss using it. Still considering if I should get the Nikon one though... Oh! I also did the video for Eddie of his daughter dancing. I also did the video for Ganbatte Japan. Currently waiting for opinions before I render the final one.

Anyway! That's all for today! Good night world!

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